Football or Basketball ?

Jan 3, 2015
I wrote on one of my posts the importance of walking and going out for a fresh air, even when it is cold outside. We are lucky enough as in Barcelona there is no such cold weather as in Moldova where I grew up. So, going out is just a pleasure. Now when Damian runs there and forth it is not so easy to maintain him interested in this, that's why we always take a ball with us. Our dad loves to play with him football, that is why in our family this is the choise number one. As well Damian sees other children playing basketball, and he is now on his time when he repeats all what he sees, and it is not strange at all when he asks to play with him other way with a ball, even if he doesn't like it too much.

Near our flat there are a lot of parks where we can go to play with our child, one in front of our house is choosen by us, as it has a lot of space where it is not so much traffic, and it is very safe to play there. As well, when we have a lot of time as today we had, and outside it is not windy we go to the beach. It is a pleasure to stay at the beach, smell the sea and have fun with our baby. I love when they play together as Damian gets tired and has a very good appetite and I have time to stay and look at them and admire the nature.

Go out with your baby, it is good for his/her health, even if you don't live near beach it is not an excuse to stay at home. Children love to spend their free time outside.

Below the images are from the second day of the Christmas.

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